Simplify operations with real-time business intelligence and personalize experiences to deepen brand engagement.
Custom w/o coding!
Our first generation visual, drag & drop event website designer was launched in 2000.  Millions of sites and tons of customer feedback later, our fourth generation continues the Lenos Studio tradition of elegantly enabling creation of on-brand, custom event engagement programs without coding!
Novice to Expert
Novices can select from professionally designed, editable template websites with a native app.  Experts can start with a blank canvas or clone an existing site and make it their own with a new design layout, copy and add their own widgets and CSS. Studio also includes a Template Designer to create your own account templates.
Speed & Agility
Since our founding in 1999, event tech requirements have grown ever increasingly sophisticated and with shortened lead times.  The need for rapid site creation and ongoing continuous content edits makes speed and flexibility paramount. This is even more true with hybrid conferences.  Lenos speed-to-launch and agility without design and feature compromise will amaze and delight.
Insights to Action
Today a total solution demands seamless real-time data integrity and governance.  With Lenos, a holistic platform, data silos are eliminated as well as the risks associated with cobbling together multiple systems.
A coherent brand identity, campaign messaging and seamless real-time interoperability is central to providing a seamless event experience, online and offline. Engage with your event participants wherever they are, and regardless of which device they are using with a consistent experience.  
Site Cloning
Cloning a site can save you up 95 percent of the time of creating a new program.  1-click clones your entire web site, including images, links, registration forms, confirmations.  The 1-click also saves your emails and ad hoc report designs, and even clones your event’s native app!  
History of Innovation
Continuous Reinvention & Agile Development
Integration Partners
We support robust integrations with complimentary industry software solutions.
Trusted Partner
White-labelled, Privacy by Design and Default Since 1999
Trust is fundamental to building brand affinity and advocacy with customers, partners, employees and prospects.